IGMBaseLib 1.0

igmcore_linear_algebra Module Reference

This module provides elementary linear algebra subroutines that perform the vector and matrix operations. More...


real(DP), dimension(3), public rotateX (vec, angle)
 Rotates a vector around X-axis (in Cartesian coordinate system) the amount specified by the angle parameter.
real(DP), dimension(3), public rotateY (vec, angle)
 Rotates a vector around Y-axis (in Cartesian coordinate system) the amount specified by the angle parameter.
real(DP), dimension(3), public rotateZ (vec, angle)
 Rotates a vector around Z-axis (in Cartesian coordinate system) the amount specified by the angle parameter.
real(DP), public vec_length (vec)
 Gets the length of a vector.
subroutine, public vec_normarize (vec)
 Normalizes the specified vector.
real(DP), dimension(3), public cross (v1, v2)
 Calculates the cross product of vectors $\Dvect{v}_1$ and $ \Dvect{v}_2$.
real(DP), public dot (v1, v2)
 Calculates the dot product of vectors $\Dvect{v}_1$ and $ \Dvect{v}_2$.

Detailed Description

This module provides elementary linear algebra subroutines that perform the vector and matrix operations.

Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2011-2012. All rights reserved.
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Yuta Kawai

Function/Subroutine Documentation

real(DP),dimension(3),public igmcore_linear_algebra::cross ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  v1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  v2 

Calculates the cross product of vectors $\Dvect{v}_1$ and $ \Dvect{v}_2$.

[in]v1Vector $\Dvect{v}_1$.
[in]v2Vector $\Dvect{v}_2$.
The vector in which is stored the result of this cross product.

Definition at line 215 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

real(DP),public igmcore_linear_algebra::dot ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  v1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  v2 

Calculates the dot product of vectors $\Dvect{v}_1$ and $ \Dvect{v}_2$.

[in]v1Vector $\Dvect{v}_1$.
[in]v2Vector $\Dvect{v}_2$.
The vector in which is stored the result of this dot product.

Definition at line 248 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

real(DP),dimension(3),public igmcore_linear_algebra::rotateX ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  vec,
real(DP),intent(in)  angle 

Rotates a vector around X-axis (in Cartesian coordinate system) the amount specified by the angle parameter.

[in]vecA vector on acted by rotation matrix R $\Dvect{A}=(A_x, A_y, A_z)$.
[in]angleRotation angle specified in radians.
The vector after rotation ( $ R \Dvect{A} $).

Definition at line 51 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

real(DP),dimension(3),public igmcore_linear_algebra::rotateY ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  vec,
real(DP),intent(in)  angle 

Rotates a vector around Y-axis (in Cartesian coordinate system) the amount specified by the angle parameter.

[in]vecA vector on acted by rotation matrix R $\Dvect{A}=(A_x, A_y, A_z)$.
[in]angleRotation angle specified in radians.
The vector after rotation ( $ R \Dvect{A} $).

Definition at line 86 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

real(DP),dimension(3),public igmcore_linear_algebra::rotateZ ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  vec,
real(DP),intent(in)  angle 

Rotates a vector around Z-axis (in Cartesian coordinate system) the amount specified by the angle parameter.

[in]vecA vector on acted by rotation matrix R $\Dvect{A}=(A_x, A_y, A_z)$.
[in]angleRotation angle specified in radians.
The vector after rotation ( $ R \Dvect{A} $).

Definition at line 122 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

real(DP),public igmcore_linear_algebra::vec_length ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  vec)

Gets the length of a vector.

[in]vecA vector.
The length of the specified vector.

Definition at line 157 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

subroutine,public igmcore_linear_algebra::vec_normarize ( real(DP),dimension(3),intent(inout)  vec)

Normalizes the specified vector.

[in,out]vecThe vector that will normarize.

Definition at line 185 of file igmcore_linear_algebra.f90.

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