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IcGrid_ncWriter_mod Module Reference

This module provides the derived type to manage the information nesessary for writing the physical field data on icosahedral grid to NetCDF file, and some subroutines to write the grid and field data. More...

Data Types

type  IcGrid_ncWriter
 Derived type which manages the information nesessary for writing the physical field data on icosahedral grid to a NetCDF file. More...
interface  IcGrid_ncWriter_Init
interface  ncdef_FieldData
interface  write_FieldData


subroutine IcGrid2D_ncWriter_Init (self, ref_icgrid)
 Initializes the variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
subroutine, public open_ncFile (self, file_name)
 Creates and open the specifed NetCDF file.
subroutine, public ncdef_GridData (self)
 Defines the information about written icosahedral grid data in the header part of the NetCDF file.
integer ncdef_Field2D_Data (self, field_Rank1)
 Defines the information about specified physical filed data in the header part of the NetCDF file.
subroutine, public ncdef_Simulation_Parameter (self, integration_time, time_step, output_tick)
 シミュレーションパラメータ(積分時間, タイムステップ, アウトプットの時間間隔)を NetCDF ファイルに定義する.
subroutine, public end_ncdef (self)
 Leaves the define mode of NetCDF file.
subroutine, public write_GridData (self)
 netCDF ファイルのデータ部分に, 正二十面体格子の座標データを書き込む.
subroutine write_Field2D_Data (self, varid, field_Rank1)
 netCDF ファイルのデータ部分に, 物理場(スカラー場)データを書き込む.
subroutine, public increase_recorde_counter (self)
 記録カウンタを更新して, 時刻を output_tick 分だけインクリメントする.
subroutine, public close_ncFile (self)
 Closes the NetCDF file.
subroutine ncdef_dimension (self, dim_element)
 Defines the informaion about the dimension in the header part of the NetCDF file.
subroutine ncdef_mesh_coordinate (self, coordinate_element)
 Defines the informaion about the coordinate in the header part of the NetCDF file.


character(TOKEN), parameter RECODE_NAME = 'time'

Detailed Description

This module provides the derived type to manage the information nesessary for writing the physical field data on icosahedral grid to NetCDF file, and some subroutines to write the grid and field data.

About IcGrid_ncWriter_mod module
このモジュールの手続きを使って書き出された NetCDF ファイルから格子点座標データや物理場データを読み込む際は, IcGrid_ncReader モジュールを用いる.

Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2011-2012. All rights reserved.
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Yuta Kawai

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::close_ncFile ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self)

Closes the NetCDF file.

Definition at line 521 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::end_ncdef ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self)

Leaves the define mode of NetCDF file.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.

Definition at line 346 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::IcGrid2D_ncWriter_Init ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(inout)  self,
type(IcGrid2D_FVM),intent(in),target  ref_icgrid 
) [private]

Initializes the variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.

構造型 IcGrid2D_FVM の変数を保持する. また, 正二十面体格子のメッシュ情報を保持する構造型 Mesh2_ncInfo の変数を初期化する.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in]ref_icgridThe variable of derived type IcGrid2D_FVM.

Definition at line 154 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::increase_recorde_counter ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(inout)  self)

記録カウンタを更新して, 時刻を output_tick 分だけインクリメントする.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.

Definition at line 497 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_dimension ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self,
type(Mesh_dim_element),intent(inout)  dim_element 
) [private]

Defines the informaion about the dimension in the header part of the NetCDF file.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in,out]dim_elementThe variable of derived type Mesh_dim_element containing the information about the dimension.

Definition at line 554 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

integer IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_Field2D_Data ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self,
type(Field_IcGrid2D),intent(in)  field_Rank1 
) [private]

Defines the information about specified physical filed data in the header part of the NetCDF file.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in]field_Rank1The variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D to manage physical field data which is defined in the header.

Definition at line 260 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_GridData ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(inout)  self)

Defines the information about written icosahedral grid data in the header part of the NetCDF file.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.

Definition at line 220 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_mesh_coordinate ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self,
type(Mesh_coord_element),intent(inout)  coordinate_element 
) [private]

Defines the informaion about the coordinate in the header part of the NetCDF file.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in,out]coordinate_elementThe variable of derived type Mesh_dim_element containing the informaion about the coordinate.

Definition at line 584 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_Simulation_Parameter ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self,
real(DP),intent(in)  integration_time,
real(DP),intent(in)  time_step,
real(DP),intent(in)  output_tick 

シミュレーションパラメータ(積分時間, タイムステップ, アウトプットの時間間隔)を NetCDF ファイルに定義する.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in]integration_timeIntegration time [sec].
[in]time_stepTime step [sec].
[in]output_tickOutput time step [sec].

Definition at line 314 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::open_ncFile ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(inout)  self,
character(*),intent(in)  file_name 

Creates and open the specifed NetCDF file.

[in,out]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in]file_nameThe name of NetCDF file.

Definition at line 193 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::write_Field2D_Data ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self,
integer,intent(in)  varid,
type(Field_IcGrid2D),intent(in)  field_Rank1 

netCDF ファイルのデータ部分に, 物理場(スカラー場)データを書き込む.

書き込みたい正二十面体格子上の物理場データは, Field_IcGrid2D クラスのオブジェクトとして保持されている必要がある.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
[in]varidThe ID associated with written physical field. This ID is the value returned by ncdef_Field_Data.
[in]field_Rank1The variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D which manages written physical field data.

Definition at line 448 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

subroutine,public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::write_GridData ( type(IcGrid_ncWriter),intent(in)  self)

netCDF ファイルのデータ部分に, 正二十面体格子の座標データを書き込む.

[in]selfThe variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.

Definition at line 370 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

Variable Documentation

character(TOKEN),parameter IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::RECODE_NAME = 'time'

Definition at line 131 of file IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90.

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