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src/io/netcdf/IcGrid_ncWriter_mod.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::IcGrid_ncWriter
 Derived type which manages the information nesessary for writing the physical field data on icosahedral grid to a NetCDF file. More...
interface  IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::IcGrid_ncWriter_Init
interface  IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_FieldData
interface  IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::write_FieldData


module  IcGrid_ncWriter_mod

This module provides the derived type to manage the information nesessary for writing the physical field data on icosahedral grid to NetCDF file, and some subroutines to write the grid and field data.


subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::IcGrid2D_ncWriter_Init (self, ref_icgrid)
 Initializes the variable of derived type IcGrid_ncWriter.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::open_ncFile (self, file_name)
 Creates and open the specifed NetCDF file.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_GridData (self)
 Defines the information about written icosahedral grid data in the header part of the NetCDF file.
integer IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_Field2D_Data (self, field_Rank1)
 Defines the information about specified physical filed data in the header part of the NetCDF file.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_Simulation_Parameter (self, integration_time, time_step, output_tick)
 シミュレーションパラメータ(積分時間, タイムステップ, アウトプットの時間間隔)を NetCDF ファイルに定義する.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::end_ncdef (self)
 Leaves the define mode of NetCDF file.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::write_GridData (self)
 netCDF ファイルのデータ部分に, 正二十面体格子の座標データを書き込む.
subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::write_Field2D_Data (self, varid, field_Rank1)
 netCDF ファイルのデータ部分に, 物理場(スカラー場)データを書き込む.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::increase_recorde_counter (self)
 記録カウンタを更新して, 時刻を output_tick 分だけインクリメントする.
subroutine, public IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::close_ncFile (self)
 Closes the NetCDF file.
subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_dimension (self, dim_element)
 Defines the informaion about the dimension in the header part of the NetCDF file.
subroutine IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_mesh_coordinate (self, coordinate_element)
 Defines the informaion about the coordinate in the header part of the NetCDF file.


character(TOKEN), parameter IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::RECODE_NAME = 'time'
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