IGMBaseLib 1.0

igmcore_spherical_trigonometry Module Reference

This module provides some subroutines for performing the operations associated with spherical trigonometry. More...


real(DP), public geodesic_arc_length (radius, p1, p2)
 Calculates the geodesic distance between point A and point B on a sphere.
real(DP), public spherical_tri_area (radius, orth_p1, orth_p2, orth_p3)
 Calculates the area of a spherical triangle which consist of three points(point P1, P2 and P3) on a sphere.
real(DP), public spherical_penta_area (radius, orth_p1, orth_p2, orth_p3, orth_p4, orth_p5)
 Calculates the area of a spherical pentagon which consist of five points(point P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) on a sphere.
real(DP), public spherical_hex_area (radius, orth_p1, orth_p2, orth_p3, orth_p4, orth_p5, orth_p6)
 Calculates the area of a spherical hexagon which consist of five points(point P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6) on a sphere.
real(DP) geodesic_arc_length_angle (radius, p1, p2)
 球面上における 2 点間の距離を単位球の中心に対する角度として計算する.
real(DP) calc_angle (coresp_arc, arc1, arc2)
 球面三角形 ABC の一角である角 BAC を 3 辺の弧の長さ(この弧の長さは単位球の中心に対する角度を使って表す)から求める.

Detailed Description

This module provides some subroutines for performing the operations associated with spherical trigonometry.

Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2011-2012. All rights reserved.
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Yuta Kawai

Function/Subroutine Documentation

real(DP) igmcore_spherical_trigonometry::calc_angle ( real(DP),intent(in)  coresp_arc,
real(DP),intent(in)  arc1,
real(DP),intent(in)  arc2 
) [private]

球面三角形 ABC の一角である角 BAC を 3 辺の弧の長さ(この弧の長さは単位球の中心に対する角度を使って表す)から求める.

[in]coresp_arc対象となる角と向かい合う弧 BC の長さ.
[in]arc1対象となる角を挟む弧 AB の長さ.
[in]arc2対象となる角を挟む弧 AC の長さ.
角 BAC の角度.

Definition at line 289 of file igmcore_spherical_trigonometry.f90.

real(DP),public igmcore_spherical_trigonometry::geodesic_arc_length ( real(DP),intent(in)  radius,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  p1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  p2 

Calculates the geodesic distance between point A and point B on a sphere.

[in]radiusThe radius of a sphere.
[in]p1A position vector of point A in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]p2A position vector of point B in cartesian coordinate system.
The geodesic distance between two points on a sphere.

Definition at line 58 of file igmcore_spherical_trigonometry.f90.

real(DP) igmcore_spherical_trigonometry::geodesic_arc_length_angle ( real(DP),intent(in)  radius,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  p1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  p2 
) [private]

球面上における 2 点間の距離を単位球の中心に対する角度として計算する.

[in]radius2 点が存在する球面をもつ球の半径.
[in]p1点 A の位置ベクトル.
[in]p2点 B の位置ベクトル.

Definition at line 250 of file igmcore_spherical_trigonometry.f90.

real(DP),public igmcore_spherical_trigonometry::spherical_hex_area ( real(DP),intent(in)  radius,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p2,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p3,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p4,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p5,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p6 

Calculates the area of a spherical hexagon which consist of five points(point P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6) on a sphere.

[in]radiusThe radius of a sphere.
[in]orth_p1A position vector of point P1 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p2A position vector of point P2 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p3A position vector of point P3 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p4A position vector of point P4 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p5A position vector of point P5 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p5A position vector of point P6 in cartesian coordinate system.
The area of spherical hexagon.

Definition at line 202 of file igmcore_spherical_trigonometry.f90.

real(DP),public igmcore_spherical_trigonometry::spherical_penta_area ( real(DP),intent(in)  radius,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p2,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p3,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p4,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p5 

Calculates the area of a spherical pentagon which consist of five points(point P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) on a sphere.

[in]radiusThe radius of a sphere.
[in]orth_p1A position vector of point P1 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p2A position vector of point P2 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p3A position vector of point P3 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p4A position vector of point P4 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p5A position vector of point P5 in cartesian coordinate system.
The area of spherical pentagon.

Definition at line 161 of file igmcore_spherical_trigonometry.f90.

real(DP),public igmcore_spherical_trigonometry::spherical_tri_area ( real(DP),intent(in)  radius,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p1,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p2,
real(DP),dimension(3),intent(in)  orth_p3 

Calculates the area of a spherical triangle which consist of three points(point P1, P2 and P3) on a sphere.

[in]radiusThe radius of a sphere.
[in]orth_p1A position vector of point P1 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p2A position vector of point P2 in cartesian coordinate system.
[in]orth_p3A position vector of point P3 in cartesian coordinate system.
The area of spherical triangle.

Definition at line 103 of file igmcore_spherical_trigonometry.f90.

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