IGMBaseLib 1.0
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src/core/grid/SPRGCGrid_Builder.f90 File Reference

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module  SPRGCGrid_Builder

This module provides some subroutines to construct the SPR-GC-grid which is obtained by modifying the STD-Grid using the spring dynamics.


subroutine, public SPRGCGrid_Builder::construct_SPRGCGrid (icgrid, tstep_limit)
 Constructs the SPR-GC-grid.
subroutine, public SPRGCGrid_Builder::set_iteration_limiter (limiter_flag)
subroutine SPRGCGrid_Builder::modify_STDGrid_with_spring_dyn (icgrid)
 Generates the SPR-GC-grid obtained by modifying the STD-grid.
subroutine SPRGCGrid_Builder::move_GP_with_spring_dyn (icgrid, idMin, idMax, EMin, EMax)
 全球領域の各格子点に対してバネ力学を適用し, 仮想的なつり合い位置を求める.
subroutine SPRGCGrid_Builder::check_global_convergence (icgrid, conv_total_ave, conv_max, EMin, EMax)
 バネでつながれた格子点の振動が, 全球で収束したかを調べる.
real(8) SPRGCGrid_Builder::check_convergence (r0, pts, pt_num)
 収束度合いを, Tomita etal, 2001 の式(22) を用いてチェックする.
integer SPRGCGrid_Builder::generate_near_GP6index (rcID, GP0_i, GP0_j, EMin, EMax)
 格子点(rcID, GP0_i, GP0_j) の近傍にある格子点 6 個に対応する, 配列のインデックスを生成する.
integer SPRGCGrid_Builder::generate_near_GP5index (icgrid, rcID, GP0_i, GP0_j)
 格子点(rcID, GP0_i, GP0_j) の近傍にある格子点 5 個に対応する, 配列のインデックスを生成する.
subroutine SPRGCGrid_Builder::integ_ode_1step_spring_dynamics (r0, w0, GP, pt_num)
 固定された 6 点とバネでつながれた質点の位置の時間発展を計算する.
real(DP), dimension(3) SPRGCGrid_Builder::f1 (r0, w0)
 Calculates the value of right-hand side of the following ordinary differential equation described in Eq(21) in Tomita et al(2001).
real(8), dimension(1:3) SPRGCGrid_Builder::f2 (r0, w0, pts, pt_num, alpha, k, eq_d, radius)
 Calculates the value of right-hand side of the following ordinary differential equation described in Eq(20) in Tomita et al(2001).
real(8), dimension(3) SPRGCGrid_Builder::calc_ei (r0, ri)
 点 G_0(r0) から 点 Gi(ri) を結ぶベクトルの単位ベクトルを取得する.


real(DP) SPRGCGrid_Builder::eq_d
 The length of spring without imposed force.
real(DP) SPRGCGrid_Builder::radius
 The radius of a sphere which an icosahedron is embedded into.
real(DP) SPRGCGrid_Builder::beta = 0.4d0
 Tuning parameter.
real(DP) SPRGCGrid_Builder::alpha = 2000.0d0
 Frictional constant.
real(DP) SPRGCGrid_Builder::k = 1.0d06
 Spring constant.
real(DP) SPRGCGrid_Builder::dt = 0.001d0
 Time step.
integer SPRGCGrid_Builder::end_tstep = 20000
 The number of time integration steps.
logical SPRGCGrid_Builder::tstep_limiter = .false.
 時間積分に伴う逐次計算ループの反復回数を制限するか否かのフラグ. デフォルトは, ループ回数を制限しない.
integer SPRGCGrid_Builder::conv_check_step = 100
 The step interval for which cheking the convergence is performed.
integer, allocatable SPRGCGrid_Builder::GP_IJ
 ある格子点を取り囲む格子点(6 個 or 5 個)のインデックスを保持する配列.
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