
Path: gtool/gtool_history_nmlinfo/hstnmlinfoenddefine.f90
Last Update: Tue Jul 28 23:27:54 +0900 2009


Transit from define mode to output mode

Authors:Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
Version:$Id: hstnmlinfoenddefine.f90,v 1.3 2009-07-28 14:27:54 morikawa Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: gtool5-20100924 $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2007-2009. All rights reserved.

Required files


Included Modules

gtool_history_nmlinfo_types gtool_history_nmlinfo_internal dc_trace dc_string dc_types dc_hash dc_error dc_message

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
gthstnml :type(GTHST_NMLINFO), intent(inout)
err :logical, intent(out), optional
: 例外処理用フラグ. デフォルトでは, この手続き内でエラーが 生じた場合, プログラムは強制終了します. 引数 err が与えられる場合, プログラムは強制終了せず, 代わりに err に .true. が代入されます.

Exception handling flag. By default, when error occur in this procedure, the program aborts. If this err argument is given, .true. is substituted to err and the program does not abort.

定義モードから出力モードに移行し, gthstnml に設定した情報を確定します. HstNmlInfoAssocGTHist サブルーチンを呼び出す前に, 必ずこのサブルーチンを呼び出してください. このサブルーチンを呼んだ後に HstNmlInfoAdd, HstNmlInfoDelete, HstNmlInfoResetDefault を呼ぶとプログラムはエラーを発生させます.

なお, 与えられた gthstnml が HstNmlInfoCreate によって初期設定 されていない場合にも, プログラムはエラーを発生させます.

Transit from define mode to output mode, and determine information configured in gthstnml. Use this subroutine before "HstNmlInfoAssocGTHist" is used. If "HstNmlInfoAdd", "HstNmlInfoDelete", "HstNmlInfoResetDefault" are used after this subroutine is used, error is occurred.

If gthstnml is not initialized by "HstNmlInfoCreate" yet, error is occurred.


  subroutine HstNmlInfoEndDefine( gthstnml, err )
    ! 定義モードから出力モードに移行し, 
    ! *gthstnml* に設定した情報を確定します. 
    ! HstNmlInfoAssocGTHist サブルーチンを呼び出す前に, 
    ! 必ずこのサブルーチンを呼び出してください. 
    ! このサブルーチンを呼んだ後に 
    ! HstNmlInfoAdd, HstNmlInfoDelete, HstNmlInfoResetDefault 
    ! を呼ぶとプログラムはエラーを発生させます. 
    ! なお, 与えられた *gthstnml* が HstNmlInfoCreate によって初期設定
    ! されていない場合にも, プログラムはエラーを発生させます. 
    ! Transit from define mode to output mode, 
    ! and determine information configured in *gthstnml*. 
    ! Use this subroutine before "HstNmlInfoAssocGTHist" is used. 
    ! If "HstNmlInfoAdd", "HstNmlInfoDelete", "HstNmlInfoResetDefault" 
    ! are used after 
    ! this subroutine is used, error is occurred. 
    ! If *gthstnml* is not initialized by "HstNmlInfoCreate" yet, 
    ! error is occurred.
    use gtool_history_nmlinfo_types, only: GTHST_NMLINFO, GTHST_NMLINFO_ENTRY
    use gtool_history_nmlinfo_internal, only: ListNext, ListSearch
    use gtool_history_nmlinfo_internal, only: opened_files
    use dc_trace, only: BeginSub, EndSub
    use dc_string, only: PutLine, Printf, Split, StrInclude, StoA, JoinChar
    use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, TOKEN, STDOUT
    use dc_hash, only: HASH, DCHashPut, DCHashGet, DCHashRewind, DCHashNext, DCHashNumber
    use dc_message, only: MessageNotify
    implicit none
    type(GTHST_NMLINFO), intent(inout):: gthstnml
    logical, intent(out), optional:: err
                              ! 例外処理用フラグ. 
                              ! デフォルトでは, この手続き内でエラーが
                              ! 生じた場合, プログラムは強制終了します. 
                              ! 引数 *err* が与えられる場合, 
                              ! プログラムは強制終了せず, 代わりに
                              ! *err* に .true. が代入されます. 
                              ! Exception handling flag. 
                              ! By default, when error occur in 
                              ! this procedure, the program aborts. 
                              ! If this *err* argument is given, 
                              ! .true. is substituted to *err* and 
                              ! the program does not abort. 

    !  複数の変数を一つのファイルへ出力するためのチェック用変数
    !  Variables for checking for output multiple variables to one file
    character(STRING):: opname, opfile
    logical:: end

    !  作業変数
    !  Work variables
    character(STRING):: fullfilename
    type(GTHST_NMLINFO_ENTRY), pointer:: hptr =>null()
    type(GTHST_NMLINFO_ENTRY), pointer:: hptr_prev =>null()
    integer:: stat
    character(STRING):: cause_c
    character(*), parameter:: subname = 'HstNmlInfoEndDefine'
    call BeginSub( subname )
    stat = DC_NOERR
    cause_c = ''

    !  初期設定のチェック
    !  Check initialization
    if ( .not. gthstnml % initialized ) then
      stat = DC_ENOTINIT
      cause_c = 'GTHST_NMLINFO'
      goto 999
    end if

    if ( .not. gthstnml % define_mode ) then
      cause_c = 'EndDefine'
      goto 999
    end if

    !  gtool_history_types#GT_HISTORY 変数の割付
    !  Allocate "gtool_history_types#GT_HISTORY" variables
    hptr => gthstnml % gthstnml_list
    if ( .not. associated( hptr % history ) ) then
      allocate( hptr % history )
    end if
    WholeLoop : do while ( associated( hptr % next ) )
      call ListNext( gthstnml_list = hptr ) ! (inout)
      if ( trim(hptr % name) == '' .or. trim(hptr % file) == '' ) cycle WholeLoop

      fullfilename = trim( hptr % fileprefix ) // hptr % file

      !  以前に同一ファイル名の gtool_history_types#GT_HISTORY 変数がある場合, そちらに結合
      !  If "gtool_history_types#GT_HISTORY" that has same filename exist already, associate to it
      nullify( hptr_prev )
      call DCHashRewind(opened_files) ! (inout)
      SearchLoop : do
        call DCHashNext( opened_files, opname, opfile, end )  ! (out)
        if ( end ) exit SearchLoop
        if ( trim(opfile) /= trim(fullfilename) ) cycle SearchLoop
        hptr_prev => gthstnml % gthstnml_list

        call ListSearch( gthstnml_list = hptr_prev, name = opname )              ! (in)
        if ( .not. associated( hptr_prev ) ) cycle SearchLoop
        if ( trim(hptr % name) == trim(hptr_prev % name) ) cycle SearchLoop

        ! interval_value, interval_unit の同一性をチェック
        ! Check consistency of "interval_value", "interval_unit"
        if ( hptr % interval_value /= hptr_prev % interval_value ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@interval_value=%r (var=%a) and @interval_value=%r (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', r = (/hptr % interval_value, hptr_prev % interval_value/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EINTFILE
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        elseif ( hptr % interval_unit /= hptr_prev % interval_unit ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@interval_unit=%a (var=%a) and @interval_unit=%a (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', ca = StoA(hptr % interval_unit, hptr % name, hptr_prev % interval_unit, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EINTFILE
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        end if

        ! origin_value, origin_unit の同一性をチェック
        ! Check consistency of "origin_value", "origin_unit"
        if ( hptr % origin_value /= hptr_prev % origin_value ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@origin_value=%r (var=%a) and @origin_value=%r (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', r = (/hptr % origin_value, hptr_prev % origin_value/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADORIGIN
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        elseif ( hptr % origin_unit /= hptr_prev % origin_unit ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@origin_unit=%a (var=%a) and @origin_unit=%a (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', ca = StoA(hptr % origin_unit, hptr % name, hptr_prev % origin_unit, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADORIGIN
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        end if

        ! terminus_value, terminus_unit の同一性をチェック
        ! Check consistency of "terminus_value", "terminus_unit"
        if ( hptr % terminus_value /= hptr_prev % terminus_value ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@terminus_value=%r (var=%a) and @terminus_value=%r (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', r = (/hptr % terminus_value, hptr_prev % terminus_value/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADTERMINUS
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        elseif ( hptr % terminus_unit /= hptr_prev % terminus_unit ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@terminus_unit=%a (var=%a) and @terminus_unit=%a (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', ca = StoA(hptr % terminus_unit, hptr % name, hptr_prev % terminus_unit, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADTERMINUS
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        end if

        ! newfile_intvalue が有効な場合はエラーを返す. 
        ! Error is occurred when "newfile_intvalue" is valid
        if (      ( hptr % newfile_intvalue > 0.0 ) .or. ( hptr_prev % newfile_intvalue > 0.0 ) ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, 'when @newfile_intvalue=%d (var=%a) > 0 or' // ' @newfile_intvalue=%d (var=%a) > 0, multiple variables can not be output to one file "%a"', i = (/hptr % newfile_intvalue, hptr_prev % newfile_intvalue/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADNEWFILEINT
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        end if

        ! newfile_intvalue, newfile_intunit の同一性をチェック
        ! Check consistency of "newfile_intvalue", "newfile_intunit"
        if ( hptr % newfile_intvalue /= hptr_prev % newfile_intvalue ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@newfile_intvalue=%d (var=%a) and @newfile_intvalue=%d (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', i = (/hptr % newfile_intvalue, hptr_prev % newfile_intvalue/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADNEWFILEINT
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        elseif ( hptr % newfile_intunit /= hptr_prev % newfile_intunit ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@newfile_intunit=%a (var=%a) and @newfile_intunit=%a (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', ca = StoA(hptr % newfile_intunit, hptr % name, hptr_prev % newfile_intunit, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADNEWFILEINT
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        end if

        ! slice_start, slice_end, slice_stride, space_average の同一性チェック
        ! Check consistency of "slice_start", "slice_end", "slice_stride", "space_average"
        if ( any( hptr % slice_start /= hptr_prev % slice_start ) ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@slice_start=%*d (var=%a) and @slice_start=%*d (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', i = (/hptr % slice_start(1:10), hptr_prev % slice_start(1:10)/), n = (/10, 10/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADSLICE
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        elseif ( any( hptr % slice_end /= hptr_prev % slice_end ) ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@slice_end=%*d (var=%a) and @slice_end=%*d (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', i = (/hptr % slice_end(1:10), hptr_prev % slice_end(1:10)/), n = (/10, 10/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADSLICE
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        elseif ( any( hptr % slice_stride /= hptr_prev % slice_stride ) ) then
          call MessageNotify( 'W', subname, '@slice_stride=%*d (var=%a) and @slice_stride=%*d (var=%a) are applied to a file "%a"', i = (/hptr % slice_stride(1:10), hptr_prev % slice_stride(1:10)/), n = (/10, 10/), ca = StoA(hptr % name, hptr_prev % name, fullfilename) )
          stat = HST_EBADSLICE
          cause_c = fullfilename
          goto 999
        end if

        ! GT_HISTORY 変数の結合
        ! Associate "GT_HISTORY" variable
        hptr % history => hptr_prev % history
        exit SearchLoop
      end do SearchLoop

      !  新規に割付
      !  Allocate newly
      if ( .not. associated( hptr % history ) ) then
        allocate( hptr % history )
        hptr % history % initialized = .false.
      end if

      !  割り付けられた名前とファイル名を登録
      !  Regist allocated name and filename
      call DCHashPut( opened_files, hptr % name, fullfilename ) ! (in)

    end do WholeLoop

    nullify( hptr )
    nullify( hptr_prev )

    !  終了処理, 例外処理
    !  Termination and Exception handling
    gthstnml % define_mode = .false.
999 continue
    call StoreError( stat, subname, err, cause_c )
    call EndSub( subname )
  end subroutine HstNmlInfoEndDefine