Class dc_test
In: dc_test.f90


Support making test programs

Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.

Fortran 90/95 におけるテストプログラム作成を補助するための モジュールです.

オブジェクト指向スクリプト言語 RubyTest::Unit クラス の機能の一部を模倣しています.

This module supports making Fortran 90/95 test programs.

A part of Test::Unit class in Object-oriented programming language Ruby is imitated.

Procedures List

AssertEqual :正答とチェックすべき値が等しいことをチェックする.
AssertGreaterThan :ある値よりもチェックすべき値が大きいことをチェックする.
AssertLessThan :ある値よりもチェックすべき値が小さいことをチェックする.
———— :————
AssertEqual :It is verified that a examined value is equal to a right answer.
AssertGreaterThan :It is verified that examined value is greater than a certain value.
AssertLessThan :It is verified that examined value is less than a certain value.


AssertEqual サブルーチンの使用例として, 以下に簡単な テストプログラムを記します. message にはテストプログラムを実行した際に表示する 任意の長さの文字列を与えます. そして, answer には正答を, check には照合すべき値を与えます. answercheck にはそれぞれ文字型, 整数型, 単精度実数型, 倍精度実数型, 論理型の変数および 配列 (1 〜 7次元) を与えることができます. 2 つの引数の型および次元数は一致している必要があります.

A simple test program is showed as an example of how "AssertEqual" subroutine is used as follows. Give arbitrary length string to message. This string is displayed when the test program is execute. And give the right answer to answer, examined value to check. Character, integer, simple precision real, double precision real, logical variables and arrays (rank 1 - 7) are allowed to give to answer and check. The types of answer and check must be same.

  program test
    use dc_test, only: AssertEqual
    implicit none
    character(32) :: str1
    real:: r1(2)

    str1 = 'foo'
    r1 = (/1.0d0, 2.0d0/)
    call AssertEqual(message='String test', answer='foo', check=str1)
    call AssertEqual(message='Float test', &
      & answer=(/1.0e0, 2.0e0/), check=r1)
  end program test

checkanswer との値, および配列のサイズが一致する場合に テストプログラムは「Checking <message に与えられた文字> OK」 というメッセージを表示します. プログラムは続行します. AssertEqual の代わりに AssertGreaterThan を使用する場合には checkanswer よりも大きい場合, AssertLessThan を使用する場合には checkanswer よりも小さい場合に プログラムは続行します.

一方で answercheck の値, もしくは配列のサイズが異なる場合には, テストプログラムは「Checking <message に与えられた文字> FAILURE」 というメッセージを表示します. プログラムはエラーを発生させて終了します. AssertEqual の代わりに AssertGreaterThan を使用する場合には checkanswer よりも大きくない場合, AssertLessThan を使用する場合には checkanswer よりも 小さくない場合にプログラムは終了します.

When the values and array sizes of check and answer are same, the test program displays a message "Checking <string given to message> OK", and the program continues. Using "AssertGreaterThan" instead of "AssertEqual", the program continues when check is greater than answer. Using "AssertLessThan", the program continues when check is less than answer.

On the other hand, when the values or array sizes of check and answer are different, the test program displays a message "Checking <string given to message> FAILURE", and the program aborts. Using "AssertGreaterThan" instead of "AssertEqual", the program aborts when check is not greater than answer. Using "AssertLessThan", the program aborts when check is not less than answer.



Example of use is showed as follows.

  program test_sample
    use dc_types, only: STRING, DP
    use dc_test, only: AssertEqual, AssertGreaterThan, AssertLessThan
    character(STRING):: str1
    integer:: int1
    real:: numr1(2)
    real(DP):: numd1(2,3)
    logical:: y_n

    str1 = "foo"
    call AssertEqual('Character test', answer='foo', check=str1)
    int1 = 1
    call AssertEqual('Integer test', answer=1, check=int1)
    numr1(:) = (/0.001235423, 0.248271/)
    call AssertGreaterThan('Float test 1', &
      & answer=(/0.00061771142, 0.1241354/), check=numr1/2.0)
    call AssertLessThan('Float test 2', &
      & answer=(/0.00061771158, 0.1241358/), check=numr1/2.0)
    y_n = .true.
    call AssertEqual('Logical test', answer=.true., check=y_n)

    numd1 = reshape((/19.432d0, 75.3d0, 3.183d0, &
      &                0.023d0,  0.9d0, 328.2d0/), &
      &              (/2,3/))
    call AssertGreaterThan('Double precision test 1', &
      & answer=reshape((/  38.8639d0, 150.5999d0, 6.365999d0, &
      &                  0.0459999d0,   1.7999d0, 656.3999d0/), &
      &                (/2,3/)), &
      & check=numd1*2.0d0)
    call AssertLessThan('Double precision test 2', &
      & answer=reshape((/  38.86401d0, 150.60001d0, 6.3660001d0, &
      &                  0.04600001d0, 1.8000001d0,     656.3d0/), &
      &                (/2,3/)), &
      & check=numd1*2.0d0)
  end program test_sample

上記の例では, 最後のテストで敢えて間違った answer を与えているので, 以下のようなメッセージを出力してプログラムは強制終了します.

In above example, wrong "answer" is given on purpose in the last test. Then the program displays a following message, and aborts.

    *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking Character test OK
    *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking Integer test OK
    *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking Float test 1 OK
    *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking Float test 2 OK
    *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking Logical test OK
    *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking Double precision test 1 OK
    *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking Double precision test 2 FAILURE

     check(2,3) =  656.4000000000000
       is NOT LESS THAN
         answer(2,3) =  656.3000000000000


AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertEqual   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertGreaterThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan   AssertLessThan  

Included Modules

dc_types sysdep

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :character(*), intent(in)
check :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer
    character(*), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. trim(answer) == trim(check)
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :integer, intent(in)
check :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer
    integer, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :logical, intent(in)
check :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical0(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer
    logical, intent(in):: check

                        character(STRING) :: answer_str
    character(STRING) :: check_str


    if (answer) then
      answer_str = ".true."
      answer_str = ".false."
    end if

    if (check) then
      check_str = ".true."
      check_str = ".false."
    end if


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar0(message, answer_str, check_str)


  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real(DP), intent(in)
check :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer
    real(DP), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real, intent(in)
check :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer
    real, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical1(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar1(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real, intent(in)
check(:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical2(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar2(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical3(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar3(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical4(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar4(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical5(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar5(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical6(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar6(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6), check_shape(7)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualChar7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualInt7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical7(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6), check_shape(7)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCTestAssertEqualChar7(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualLogical7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualDouble7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertEQ] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertEqualReal7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :integer, intent(in)
check :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer
    integer, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right


    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer < check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real(DP), intent(in)
check :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer
    real(DP), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right


    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer < check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real, intent(in)
check :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer
    real, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right


    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer < check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real, intent(in)
check(:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanInt7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanDouble7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer < check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT GREATER THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertGT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertGreaterThanReal7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :integer, intent(in)
check :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer
    integer, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right


    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer > check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real(DP), intent(in)
check :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer
    real(DP), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right


    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer > check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real, intent(in)
check :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer
    real, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right


    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer > check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real, intent(in)
check(:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanInt7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanDouble7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer > check

    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is NOT LESS THAN'
      write(*,*) '      answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [AssertLT] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCTestAssertLessThanReal7
