The radiative heating (cooling) term
in equation
(A.4) is given by convergence (divergence)
net radiative heat flux which is calculated by using radiative
transfer equation.
We consider following radiation processes in this model; absorption of
near infrared solar radiation (NIR), absorption and emission of
infrared radiation associated with atmospheric
CO2, absorption and scattering of solar
radiation, and absorption and emission of infrared radiation
associated with dust.
Scattering of NIR and infrared radiation associated with atmospheric
CO2 are not considered.
The infrared radiative heating owing to atmospheric
CO2 is major radiative heating (cooling) source near
the surface (Savijärvi, 1991b).
The atmospheric temperature in Martian stratosphere results from
balance between the near infrared radiative heating and the
infrared cooling associated with atmospheric
(Gierasch and Goody, 1967).
The infrared radiation associated with dust
can not be negligible in calculating radiative cooling at night time.
is represented as follows.
(A.22) |
Qrad,IR and
Qrad,NIR are the infrared and near infrared
radiative heating rate associated with CO2.
Qrad,dust,SR and
Qrad,dust,IR are the solar and
infrared radiative heating rate associated with dust.
The governing equations to calculate these heating rate
are described in following sections.
- Radiative transfer of atmospheric CO2
- Band parameters of CO2
- Radiative transfer of dust
- Dust opacity
- Optical parameters of dust
- Solar flux and zenith angle