The dust mass mixing ratio is
calculated by advection diffusion equation which considers
gravitational settling of dust.
(A.19) |
The dust terminal velocity is calculated as follows (Conrath, 1975).
(A.20) |
is the density of dust particle, is the radius of dust particle, is atmospheric viscosity, is
the mean free path of atmospheric gas at .
In this study, we set = 3000
kgm-3, =
= 25 hPa, and =
2.2×10-6 m.
The equation (A.19) is applied for each dust
particle with different radius.
However, for simplicity, the radius of dust particle is supposed to be
equal to the mode radius of dust particle in equation
(A.38) which is the size
distribution function of dust.
It is supposed that the dust injection from the surface to atmosphere
occurs when the surface stress
exceeds some threshold value.
The value of dust flux from the surface is those obtained by wind
tunnel experiment (White et
al., 1997).
(A.21) |
The value of critical surface stress is described in
Section 4.