! *** Caution!! ***
! This file is generated from "dc_test.rb2f90" by Ruby 1.8.2.
! Please do not edit this file directly.
! ※※※ 注意!!! ※※※
! このファイルは "dc_test.rb2f90" から Ruby 1.8.2
! によって自動生成されたファイルです.
! このファイルを直接編集しませんようお願い致します.
!== Test module
! Authors::   Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
! Version::   $Id: dc_test.f90,v 1.5 2006/06/07 15:46:13 morikawa Exp $
! Tag Name::  $Name: gt4f90io-20060627 $
! Copyright:: Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2005. All rights reserved.
! License::   See COPYRIGHT[link:../../COPYRIGHT]
! This file provides dc_test

module dc_test,41
  !== Overview
  ! Fortran 90/95 におけるテストプログラム作成を補助するための
  ! モジュールです.
  !== List
  ! Verify     :: 正答とチェックすべき値とを照合する.
  !== Usage
  ! Verify サブルーチンは以下のように用います.
  ! *answer* に正答を与え, *check* に照合すべき値を与えます.
  ! *answer* と *check* には全ての組み込み型の変数および
  ! 配列 (1 〜 7次元) を与えることができますが,
  ! 2 つの引数の型および次元数は一致している必要があります.
  !   call Verify('Title', answer='foo', check=str1)
  ! もしも *answer* と *check* の値, もしくは配列のサイズが異なる場合,
  ! テストプログラムはエラーを返して終了します.
  !=== 具体例
  ! 具体例は以下の通りです.
  !      use dc_types
  !      use dc_test
  !      character(STRING):: str1
  !      integer:: int1
  !      real:: numr1(2)
  !      real(DP):: numd1(2,3)
  !      logical:: y_n
  !      str1 = "foo"
  !      call Verify('Character', answer='foo', check=str1)
  !      int1 = 1
  !      call Verify('Integer', answer=1, check=int1)
  !      numr1(:) = (/0.00123, 0.2/)
  !      call Verify('Float', answer=(/0.00123, 0.2/), check=numr1)
  !      y_n = .true.
  !      call Verify('Logical', answer=.true., check=y_n)
  !      numd1(1,:) = (/19.432d0, 75.3d0, 3.183d0/)
  !      numd1(2,:) = (/0.023d0, 0.9d0, 328.2d0/)
  !      call Verify('Double precision 1', &
  !        & answer=(/19.432d0, 75.3d0, 3.183d0/), check=numd1(1,:))
  !      call Verify('Double precision 2', &
  !        & answer=(/0.023d0, 0.9d0, 238.5d0/), check=numd1(2,:))
  !      end
  ! 上記の例では, 最後のテストで敢えて間違った answer を与えているので,
  ! 以下のようなメッセージを出力してプログラムは強制終了します.
  !      *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking Character OK
  !      *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking Integer OK
  !      *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking Float OK
  !      *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking Logical OK
  !      *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking Double precision 1 OK
  !      *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking Double precision 2 FAILURE
  !       check(3) =  328.2
  !         is INCORRECT
  !       Correct answer is answer(3) =  238.5
  use dc_types, only : STRING, DP
  implicit none
  public Verify

  interface Verify
                                              module procedure DCVerifyChar0
    module procedure DCVerifyChar1
    module procedure DCVerifyChar2
    module procedure DCVerifyChar3
    module procedure DCVerifyChar4
    module procedure DCVerifyChar5
    module procedure DCVerifyChar6
    module procedure DCVerifyChar7
                          module procedure DCVerifyInt0
    module procedure DCVerifyInt1
    module procedure DCVerifyInt2
    module procedure DCVerifyInt3
    module procedure DCVerifyInt4
    module procedure DCVerifyInt5
    module procedure DCVerifyInt6
    module procedure DCVerifyInt7
                          module procedure DCVerifyReal0
    module procedure DCVerifyReal1
    module procedure DCVerifyReal2
    module procedure DCVerifyReal3
    module procedure DCVerifyReal4
    module procedure DCVerifyReal5
    module procedure DCVerifyReal6
    module procedure DCVerifyReal7
                          module procedure DCVerifyDouble0
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble1
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble2
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble3
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble4
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble5
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble6
    module procedure DCVerifyDouble7

                        module procedure DCVerifyLogical0
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical1
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical2
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical3
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical4
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical5
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical6
    module procedure DCVerifyLogical7

  end interface


  subroutine DCVerifyChar0(item, answer, check) 2,3
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer
    character(*), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. trim(answer) == trim(check)
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar0

  subroutine DCVerifyChar1(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
      &    check_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
        &    pos(1)  )

      right = answer (&
        &    pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar1

  subroutine DCVerifyChar2(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
                              &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
                              &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar2

  subroutine DCVerifyChar3(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
                              &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
                              &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar3

  subroutine DCVerifyChar4(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
                              &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
                              &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar4

  subroutine DCVerifyChar5(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
                              &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
                              &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4), &
      &    check_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar5

  subroutine DCVerifyChar6(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
                              &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
                              &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4), &
      &    check_shape(5), &
      &    check_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar6

  subroutine DCVerifyChar7(item, answer, check) 2,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length (&
                              &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_fixed_length (&
                              &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4), &
      &    check_shape(5), &
      &    check_shape(6), &
      &    check_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyChar7

  subroutine DCVerifyInt0(item, answer, check) 1,3
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer
    integer, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt0

  subroutine DCVerifyInt1(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
        &    pos(1)  )

      right = answer (&
        &    pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt1

  subroutine DCVerifyInt2(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt2

  subroutine DCVerifyInt3(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt3

  subroutine DCVerifyInt4(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt4

  subroutine DCVerifyInt5(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt5

  subroutine DCVerifyInt6(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt6

  subroutine DCVerifyInt7(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyInt7

  subroutine DCVerifyReal0(item, answer, check) 1,3
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer
    real, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal0

  subroutine DCVerifyReal1(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
        &    pos(1)  )

      right = answer (&
        &    pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal1

  subroutine DCVerifyReal2(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal2

  subroutine DCVerifyReal3(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal3

  subroutine DCVerifyReal4(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal4

  subroutine DCVerifyReal5(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal5

  subroutine DCVerifyReal6(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal6

  subroutine DCVerifyReal7(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyReal7

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble0(item, answer, check) 1,3
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer
    real(DP), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble0

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble1(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
        &    pos(1)  )

      right = answer (&
        &    pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble1

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble2(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble2

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble3(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble3

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble4(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble4

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble5(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble5

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble6(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble6

  subroutine DCVerifyDouble7(item, answer, check) 1,4
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( judge_rev (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

      right = answer (&
                              &    pos(1), &
        &    pos(2), &
        &    pos(3), &
        &    pos(4), &
        &    pos(5), &
        &    pos(6), &
        &    pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // &
                              &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // &
        &    trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCVerify] *** Checking ' // trim(item) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCVerifyDouble7

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical0(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer
    logical, intent(in):: check

                        character(STRING) :: answer_str
    character(STRING) :: check_str


    if (answer) then
      answer_str = ".true."
      answer_str = ".false."
    end if

    if (check) then
      check_str = ".true."
      check_str = ".false."
    end if


    call DCVerifyChar0(item, answer_str, check_str)


  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical0

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical1(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
      &    answer_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
      &    check_shape(1)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar1(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical1

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical2(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
                            &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar2(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical2

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical3(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
                            &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar3(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical3

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical4(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
                            &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar4(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical4

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical5(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
                            &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4), &
      &    check_shape(5)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar5(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical5

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical6(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
                            &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4), &
      &    check_shape(5), &
      &    check_shape(6)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar6(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical6

  subroutine DCVerifyLogical7(item, answer, check) 1,2
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: item
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str (&
                            &    answer_shape(1), &
      &    answer_shape(2), &
      &    answer_shape(3), &
      &    answer_shape(4), &
      &    answer_shape(5), &
      &    answer_shape(6), &
      &    answer_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    allocate( check_str (&
                            &    check_shape(1), &
      &    check_shape(2), &
      &    check_shape(3), &
      &    check_shape(4), &
      &    check_shape(5), &
      &    check_shape(6), &
      &    check_shape(7)  )  &
      &  )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCVerifyChar7(item, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCVerifyLogical7
end module dc_test

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