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NetCDF User's Guide for Fortran

1 - Introduction
1.1 - The NetCDF Interface
1.2 - NetCDF Is Not a Database Management System
1.3 - File Format
1.4 - What about Performance?
1.5 - Is NetCDF a Good Archive Format?
1.6 - Creating Self-Describing Data conforming to Conventions
1.7 - Background and Evolution of the NetCDF Interface
1.8 - What's New Since the Previous Release?
1.9 - Limitations of NetCDF
1.10 - Future Plans for NetCDF
2 - Components of a NetCDF Dataset
2.1 - The NetCDF Data Model
2.1.1 - Naming Conventions
2.1.2 - network Common Data Form Language (CDL)
2.2 - Dimensions
2.3 - Variables
2.3.1 - Coordinate Variables
2.4 - Attributes
2.5 - Differences between Attributes and Variables
3 - Data
3.1 - netCDF external data types
3.2 - Data Access
3.2.1 - Forms of Data Access
3.2.2 - An Example of Array-Section Access
3.2.3 - More on General Array Section Access
3.3 - Type Conversion
3.4 - Data Structures
4 - Use of the NetCDF Library
4.1 - Creating a NetCDF Dataset
4.2 - Reading a NetCDF Dataset with Known Names
4.3 - Reading a netCDF Dataset with Unknown Names
4.4 - Adding New Dimensions, Variables, Attributes
4.5 - Error Handling
4.6 - Compiling and Linking with the NetCDF Library
5 - Datasets
5.1 - NetCDF Library Interface Descriptions
5.2 - Get error message corresponding to error status: NF_STRERROR
Usage -
Example -
5.3 - Get netCDF library version: NF_INQ_LIBVERS
Usage -
Example -
5.4 - Create a NetCDF dataset: NF_CREATE
Usage -
Example -
5.5 - Open a NetCDF Dataset for Access: NF_OPEN
Usage -
Example -
5.6 - Put Open NetCDF Dataset into Define Mode: NF_REDEF
Usage -
Example -
5.7 - Leave Define Mode: NF_ENDDEF
Usage -
Example -
5.8 - Close an Open NetCDF Dataset: NF_CLOSE
Usage -
Example -
5.9 - Inquire about an Open NetCDF Dataset: NF_INQ Family
Usage -
Example -
5.10 - Synchronize an Open NetCDF Dataset to Disk: NF_SYNC
Usage -
Example -
5.11 - Back Out of Recent Definitions: NF_ABORT
Usage -
Example -
5.12 - Set Fill Mode for Writes: NF_SET_FILL
Usage -
Example -
6 - Dimensions
6.1 - Create a Dimension: NF_DEF_DIM
Usage -
Example -
6.2 - Get a Dimension ID from Its Name: NF_INQ_DIMID
Usage -
Example -
6.3 - Inquire about a Dimension: NF_INQ_DIM Family
Usage -
Example -
6.4 - Rename a Dimension: NF_RENAME_DIM
Usage -
Example -
7 - Variables
7.1 - Language Types Corresponding to netCDF external data types
7.2 - Create a Variable: NF_DEF_VAR
Usage -
Example -
7.3 - Get a Variable ID from Its Name: NF_INQ_VARID
Usage -
Example -
7.4 - Get Information about a Variable from Its ID: NF_INQ_VAR family
Usage -
Example -
7.5 - Write a Single Data Value: NF_PUT_VAR1_type
Usage -
Example -
7.6 - Write an Entire Variable: NF_PUT_VAR_type
Usage -
Example -
7.7 - Write an Array of Values: NF_PUT_VARA_type
Usage -
Example -
7.8 - Write a Subsampled Array of Values: NF_PUT_VARS_type
Usage -
Example -
7.9 - Write a Mapped Array of Values: NF_PUT_VARM_type
Usage -
Example -
7.10 - Read a Single Data Value: NF_GET_VAR1_type
Usage -
Example -
7.11 - Read an Entire Variable NF_GET_VAR_type
Usage -
Example -
7.12 - Read an Array of Values: NF_GET_VARA_type
Usage -
Example -
7.13 - Read a Subsampled Array of Values: NF_GET_VARS_type
Usage -
Example -
7.14 - Read a Mapped Array of Values: NF_GET_VARM_type
Usage -
Example -
7.15 - Reading and Writing Character String Values
7.16 - Fill Values
7.17 - Rename a Variable: NF_RENAME_VAR
Usage -
Example -
8 - Attributes
8.1 - Attribute Conventions
8.2 - Create an Attribute: NF_PUT_ATT_type
Usage -
Example -
8.3 - Get Information about an Attribute: NF_INQ_ATT Family
Usage -
Example -
8.4 - Get Attribute's Values: NF_GET_ATT_type
Usage -
Example -
8.5 - Copy Attribute from One NetCDF to Another: NF_COPY_ATT
Usage -
Example -
8.6 - Rename an Attribute: NF_RENAME_ATT
Usage -
Example -
8.7 - Delete an Attribute: NF_DEL_ATT
Usage -
Example -
9 - NetCDF File Structure and Performance
9.1 - Parts of a NetCDF File
9.2 - The Extended XDR Layer
9.3 - The I/O Layer
9.4 - UNICOS Optimization
10 - NetCDF Utilities
10.1 - CDL Syntax
10.2 - CDL Data Types
10.3 - CDL Notation for Data Constants
10.4 - ncgen
10.5 - ncdump
11 - Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions
What Is netCDF?
How do I get the netCDF software package?
Is there any access to netCDF information on the World Wide Web?
What has changed since the previous release?
Is there a mailing list for netCDF discussions and questions?
Who else uses netCDF?
What is the physical format for a netCDF files?
What does netCDF run on?
What other software is available for netCDF data?
What other formats are available for scientific data?
How do I make a bug report?
How do I search through past problem reports?
How does the C++ interface differ from the C interface?
How does the FORTRAN interface differ from the C interface?
How does the Perl interface differ from the C interface?
Appendix A - Units
Appendix B - File Format Specification
The Format in Detail
Computing File Offsets
Appendix C - Summary of FORTRAN Interface
Appendix D - NetCDF 2 FORTRAN Transition Guide
Overview of FORTRAN interface changes
The New FORTRAN Interface
Function Naming Conventions
Type Conversion
Error handling
What's Missing?
Other Changes

NetCDF User's Guide for Fortran - 4 JUN 1997
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