Class dc_test
In: dc_test.f90


Fortran 90/95 におけるテストプログラム作成を補助するための モジュールです.

オブジェクト指向スクリプト言語 RubyTest::Unit クラス の機能の一部を模倣しています.


AssertEqual :正答とチェックすべき値とを照合する.


AssertEqual サブルーチンは以下のように用います. まず, message にチェックする項目の名称を与えます. 与えられた文字列はテストプログラムを実行した際に表示されます. そして, answer には正答を, check には照合すべき値を与えます. answercheck にはそれぞれ文字型, 整数型, 単精度実数型, 倍精度実数型, 論理型の変数および 配列 (1 〜 7次元) を与えることができます. 2 つの引数の型および次元数は一致している必要があります.

  program test
    use dc_test, only: AssertEqual
    implicit none
    character(32) :: str1

    str1 = 'foo'
    call AssertEqual(message='String', answer='foo', check=str1)
  end program test

もしも answercheck の値, もしくは配列のサイズが異なる場合, テストプログラムはエラーを返して終了します.



  program test_sample
    use dc_types, only: STRING, DP
    use dc_test, only: AssertEqual
    character(STRING):: str1
    integer:: int1
    real:: numr1(2)
    real(DP):: numd1(2,3)
    logical:: y_n

    str1 = "foo"
    call AssertEqual('Character', answer='foo', check=str1)
    int1 = 1
    call AssertEqual('Integer', answer=1, check=int1)
    numr1(:) = (/0.00123, 0.2/)
    call AssertEqual('Float', answer=(/0.00123, 0.2/), check=numr1)
    y_n = .true.
    call AssertEqual('Logical', answer=.true., check=y_n)
    numd1(1,:) = (/19.432d0, 75.3d0, 3.183d0/)
    numd1(2,:) = (/0.023d0, 0.9d0, 328.2d0/)
    call AssertEqual('Double precision 1', &
      & answer=(/19.432d0, 75.3d0, 3.183d0/), check=numd1(1,:))
    call AssertEqual('Double precision 2', &
      & answer=(/0.023d0, 0.9d0, 238.5d0/), check=numd1(2,:))
  end program test_sample

上記の例では, 最後のテストで敢えて間違った answer を与えているので, 以下のようなメッセージを出力してプログラムは強制終了します.

     *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking Character OK
     *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking Integer OK
     *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking Float OK
     *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking Logical OK
     *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking Double precision 1 OK
     *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking Double precision 2 FAILURE

      check(3) =  328.2
        is INCORRECT
      Correct answer is answer(3) =  238.5


Included Modules

dc_types sysdep

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :character(*), intent(in)
check :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer
    character(*), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. trim(answer) == trim(check)
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :integer, intent(in)
check :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer
    integer, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :logical, intent(in)
check :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical0(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer
    logical, intent(in):: check

                        character(STRING) :: answer_str
    character(STRING) :: check_str


    if (answer) then
      answer_str = ".true."
      answer_str = ".false."
    end if

    if (check) then
      check_str = ".true."
      check_str = ".false."
    end if


    call DCAssertEqualChar0(message, answer_str, check_str)


  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real(DP), intent(in)
check :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer
    real(DP), intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer :real, intent(in)
check :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal0(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer
    real, intent(in):: check
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right



    err_flag = .false.

    err_flag = .not. answer == check
    wrong = check
    right = answer
    pos_str = ''


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal0
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical1(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar1(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:) :real, intent(in)
check(:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal1(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(1), check_shape(1), pos(1)
    logical :: consist_shape(1)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(1)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal1
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical2(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar2(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal2(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(2), check_shape(2), pos(2)
    logical :: consist_shape(2)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(2)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal2
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical3(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar3(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal3(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(3), check_shape(3), pos(3)
    logical :: consist_shape(3)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(3)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal3
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical4(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar4(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal4(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(4), check_shape(4), pos(4)
    logical :: consist_shape(4)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(4)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal4
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical5(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar5(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal5(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(5), check_shape(5), pos(5)
    logical :: consist_shape(5)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(5)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal5
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical6(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar6(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal6(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(6), check_shape(6), pos(6)
    logical :: consist_shape(6)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(6)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal6
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :character(*), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualChar7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    character(*), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(*), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    character(STRING) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

                                              character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_fixed_length(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( answer_fixed_length ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( check_fixed_length ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6), check_shape(7)  ) )

    answer_fixed_length = answer
    check_fixed_length = check

    judge = answer_fixed_length == check_fixed_length
    deallocate(answer_fixed_length, check_fixed_length)


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(wrong)
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', trim(right)

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualChar7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualInt7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    integer, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    integer, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    integer :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualInt7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :logical, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical7(message, answer, check)
    use dc_types, only: STRING
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    logical, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), i
    logical, allocatable :: answer_tmp(:), check_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str_tmp(:), check_str_tmp(:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: answer_str(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    character(STRING), allocatable :: check_str(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    answer_tmp = pack(answer, .true.)
    check_tmp = pack(check, .true.)

    do i = 1, size(answer_tmp)
      if (answer_tmp(i)) then
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        answer_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    do i = 1, size(check_tmp)
      if (check_tmp(i)) then
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.true.'
        check_str_tmp(i) = '.false.'
      end if
    end do

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    allocate( answer_str ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( check_str ( check_shape(1), check_shape(2), check_shape(3), check_shape(4), check_shape(5), check_shape(6), check_shape(7)  ) )

    answer_str = reshape(answer_str_tmp, answer_shape)
    check_str = reshape(check_str_tmp, check_shape)


    call DCAssertEqualChar7(message, answer_str, check_str)

                        deallocate(answer_str, answer_tmp, answer_str_tmp)
    deallocate(check_str, check_tmp, check_str_tmp)

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualLogical7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real(DP), intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real(DP), intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real(DP) :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualDouble7
Subroutine :
message :character(*), intent(in)
answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)


  subroutine DCAssertEqualReal7(message, answer, check)
    use sysdep, only: AbortProgram
    use dc_types, only: STRING, TOKEN
    implicit none
    character(*), intent(in):: message
    real, intent(in):: answer(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in):: check(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical :: err_flag
    character(STRING) :: pos_str
    real :: wrong, right

                        integer :: answer_shape(7), check_shape(7), pos(7)
    logical :: consist_shape(7)
    character(TOKEN) :: pos_array(7)
    integer, allocatable :: mask_array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
    logical, allocatable :: judge_rev(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)


    err_flag = .false.

    answer_shape = shape(answer)
    check_shape = shape(check)

    consist_shape = answer_shape == check_shape

    if (.not. all(consist_shape)) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  shape of check is (', check_shape, ')'
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct shape of answer is (', answer_shape, ')'

      call AbortProgram('')
    end if

    allocate( mask_array ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    allocate( judge_rev ( answer_shape(1), answer_shape(2), answer_shape(3), answer_shape(4), answer_shape(5), answer_shape(6), answer_shape(7)  ) )

    judge = answer == check


    judge_rev = .not. judge
    err_flag = any(judge_rev)
    mask_array = 1
    pos = maxloc(mask_array, judge_rev)

    if (err_flag) then

      wrong = check ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

      right = answer ( pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7)  )

                            write(unit=pos_array(1), fmt="(i20)") pos(1)
      write(unit=pos_array(2), fmt="(i20)") pos(2)
      write(unit=pos_array(3), fmt="(i20)") pos(3)
      write(unit=pos_array(4), fmt="(i20)") pos(4)
      write(unit=pos_array(5), fmt="(i20)") pos(5)
      write(unit=pos_array(6), fmt="(i20)") pos(6)
      write(unit=pos_array(7), fmt="(i20)") pos(7)

      pos_str = '(' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(1))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(2))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(3))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(4))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(5))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(6))) // ',' // trim(adjustl(pos_array(7))) // ')'

    end if
    deallocate(mask_array, judge, judge_rev)


    if (err_flag) then
      write(*,*) ' *** Error [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' FAILURE'
      write(*,*) ''
      write(*,*) '  check' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', wrong
      write(*,*) '    is INCORRECT'
      write(*,*) '  Correct answer is answer' // trim(pos_str) // ' = ', right

      call AbortProgram('')
      write(*,*) ' *** MESSAGE [DCAssertEqual] *** Checking ' // trim(message) // ' OK'
    end if

  end subroutine DCAssertEqualReal7
