
Path: main/arareanal.f90
Last Update: Thu Mar 03 13:31:19 +0900 2011

Program ArareAnal

Authors:SUGIYAMA Ko-ichiro, ODAKA Masatsugu
Version:$Id: arareanal.f90,v 1.26 2009-02-28 08:19:11 sugiyama Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2006. All rights reserved.


非静力学モデル deepconv/arare 2 次データ作成プログラム

Required files



Included Modules

dc_types dc_string dc_message dc_args chemcalc fileset debugset timeset gridset basicset storeset storeset2 average DynFunc WarmRainPrm MoistBuoyancy ECCM gtool_history boundary

Public Instance methods

Main Program :


program ArareAnal

  !----- モジュール読み込み ------

  !-----   型宣言, 文字列処理   ----
  use dc_types,       only : STRING
  use dc_string,      only : StoA

  !-----   メッセージ出力   -----
  use dc_message,     only: MessageNotify

  !-----   コマンドライン引数解析   -----
  use dc_args,        only : ARGS, Open, Debug, Help, Strict, Close, Option

  !-----    管理モジュール   -----
  !  化学量計算モジュール
  use chemcalc,      only: xz_SvapPress

  !  入出力ファイル名管理モジュール
  use fileset,       only : fileset_init

  !  デバッグ出力管理モジュール
  use debugset,      only : debugset_init

  !  時間管理モジュール
  use timeset,       only : timeset_init, TimeDisp, TImeInt

  !  格子点管理モジュール 
  use gridset,       only : gridset_init, DelX, DelZ, DimXMin, DimXMax, DimZMin, DimZMax, SpcNum

  !  基本場設定モジュール
  use basicset,      only : basicset_init, MolWtDry, MolWtWet, CpDry, PressBasis, GasRDry, SpcWetID, SpcWetMolfr, xza_MixRtBasicZ, xz_PotTempBasicZ, xz_ExnerBasicZ, xz_TempBasicZ, xz_PressBasicZ

  !  積算値管理モジュール
  use storeset,      only : storeset_init
  use storeset2,     only : store2set_init

  !-----    下請けモジュール   -----
  use average

  !-----       力学過程        -----
  !  力学過程計算用関数モジュール
  use DynFunc,       only :  xr_Buoy

  !-----       物理過程        -----
!  !  湿潤飽和調節法計算用モジュール
!  use MoistAdjust,  only : MoistAdjust_Init, MoistAdjustSvapPress, MoistAdjustNH4SH

  !  雲物理パラメタリゼーション
  use WarmRainPrm,  only : WarmRainPrm_Init, WarmRainPrm_prm

  !  湿潤気塊の浮力計算用モジュール
  use MoistBuoyancy,only : MoistBuoy_Init, xr_BuoyMolWt, xr_BuoyDrag
  !  断熱上昇気塊の温度減率計算用モジュール
  use ECCM,         only : eccm_init, eccm_stab, eccm_molfr

  implicit none
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_PotTemp(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_PotTempAll(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Exner(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: pz_VelX(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xr_VelZ(:,:)
!  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Km(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xza_MixRt(:,:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xza_MixRtAll(:,:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xza_MixRtSat(:,:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xza_MixRtEq(:,:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: za_MolFrEq(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Temp(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_VPotTemp(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_VPotTempAll(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Dens(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_BuoyAll(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_BuoyTemp(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_BuoyMolWt(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_BuoyDrag(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Stab(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_StabTemp(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_StabMolWt(:,:)
  real(8)              :: AnalTime
  real(8)              :: Hum

  real(8), allocatable :: xz_TempAll(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_PressAll(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_EffMolWt(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xza_MixRtDivMolWt(:,:,:)

  real(8), allocatable :: xz_EqConst(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_EqConstSat(:,:)

  real(8), allocatable :: xz_StrmFunc(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Cloud(:,:)
  real(8), allocatable :: xz_Rain(:,:)

  integer      :: LoopNum, LoopNum2
  integer      :: GasNum(10)
  integer      :: CloudNum(10)
  integer      :: RainNum(10)
  integer      :: NH3Num  
  integer      :: H2SNum  
  integer      :: NH4SHNum

  integer             :: t, s, i, k
  character(50)       :: cfgfile

  !-----   コマンドライン行き数解析用変数    -----
  type(ARGS)           :: arg             ! コマンドライン引数情報
  logical              :: OPT_namelist    ! コマンドライン引数用論理変数
  character(STRING)    :: VAL_namelist    ! コマンドライン引数の値

  ! 変数参照型モジュールの初期化
  !NAMELIST ファイルの取得
  !  gtool5 ライブラリの dc_args モジュールを利用.
  !  指定可能なオプションは以下の通り.
  !  -N=VAL, --namelist=VAL
  !    specify Namelist file (default is 'arare.conf'). 
  !  -D=VAL, --debug=VAL
  !    call dc_trace#SetDebug (display a lot of messages for debug).
  !    VAL is unit number (default is standard output)
  !  -h=VAL, -H=VAL, --help=VAL
  !    display this help and exit. VAL is unit number (default is
  !    standard output)
  call Open(arg)
  call Option(arg, StoA('-N', '--namelist'), OPT_namelist, VAL_namelist, help="specify Namelist file (default is 'arare.conf')." )
                    ! "-N/--namelist" オプションの設定
  call Debug(arg)   ! デバッグオプションの自動設定
  call Help(arg)    ! ヘルプオプションの自動設定
  call Strict(arg)  ! 無効なオプション指定時に警告を表示

  !"-N/-namelist" オプションの解釈
  !  与えられていない場合はデフォルト値 (arare.conf) を 
  !  NAMLIST ファイル名とする.
  if (OPT_namelist) then
     call MessageNotify( "M", "main", "Namelist file is '%c'", c1=trim(VAL_namelist) )
     call MessageNotify( "W", "main", "Namelist file is not specified." )
     call MessageNotify( "M", "main", "Use default Namelist file (arare.conf)." )
  end if

  call Close(arg)

  !  NAMELIST から必要な情報を読み取り, 時間関連の変数の設定を行う. 
  call timeset_init(cfgfile)

  !  NAMELIST から情報を得て, 格子点を計算する
  call gridset_init(cfgfile)
  !  NAMELIST から情報を得て, 基本場を設定する.
  call basicset_init(cfgfile)
  !I/O ファイル名の初期化
  !  NAMELIST ファイル名を指定し, deepconv/arare の
  !  出力ファイル名を NAMELIST から得る
  call fileset_init(cfgfile)
  !  NAMELIST から情報を得て, 基本場を設定する.
  call storeset_init( )
  call store2set_init( )
  !内部変数の初期化. とりあえずゼロを入れて値を確定させておく. 
  call ArareAlloc
  !NetCDF ファイルの作成と基本場の取得  
  call AnalFile_Open( )
  call AnalFile_OpenDens(  )

  call AnalFile_BasicZ_Get( )
  ! パッケージ型モジュールの初期化
  !   デフォルトの値から変更する必要のあるルーチンのみ初期化
  call ECCM_Init
!  call Damping_Init( cfgfile )      !波の減衰係数の初期化
!  call NumDiffusion_Init()          !数値拡散項の初期化
!  call Turbulence_Init()            !乱流計算の初期化
!  call MoistAdjust_Init()           !湿潤飽和調整法の初期化
  call WarmRainPrm_Init( cfgfile )  !暖かい雨のパラメタリゼーションの初期化
!  call Radiation_Init( cfgfile )    !放射強制の初期化
  call MoistBuoy_Init()             !分子量に対する浮力計算ルーチンの初期化

  call WarmRainPrm_prm( LoopNum, LoopNum2, RainNum, CloudNum, GasNum, NH3Num, H2SNum, NH4SHNum )

  ! 解析値の計算開始
  !   時刻を進めながら, ファイルの値を得る

  do t = 1, int( TimeInt / TimeDisp ) + 1

    ! ヒストリファイルを開き値を得る. 
    call AnalFile_Get( t,  AnalTime, xz_PotTemp, xz_Exner, pz_VelX, xr_VelZ, xza_MixRt )
    write(*,*) t, AnalTime    

    ! 初期化
    xz_Cloud = 0.0d0
    xz_Rain  = 0.0d0
    xza_MixRtAll = xza_MixRt + xza_MixRtBasicZ
    ! 温度・圧力の計算
    xz_PressAll = PressBasis * ((xz_Exner + xz_ExnerBasicZ ) ** (CpDry / GasRDry))

    xz_PotTempAll  = xz_PotTemp + xz_PotTempBasicZ
    xz_TempAll = ( xz_Exner + xz_ExnerBasicZ ) * xz_PotTempAll
    xz_Temp = xz_TempAll - xz_ExnerBasicZ * xz_PotTempBasicZ 
    ! 密度, 仮温位の計算
    xza_MixRtDivMolWt = 0.0d0
    do s = 1, 3
      xza_MixRtDivMolWt(:,:,s) = xza_MixRtAll(:,:,s) / MolWtWet(s)
    end do

    xz_EffMolWt = (1.0d0 / MolWtDry) / ((1.0d0 / MolWtDry) + sum(xza_MixRtDivMolWt,3)) * (1.0d0 + sum(xza_MixRtAll,3))
    xz_Dens = xz_PressAll * xz_EffMolWt / (GasRDry * xz_TempAll)
    xz_VPotTemp    = xz_PotTemp / xz_EffMolWt
    xz_VPotTempAll = xz_PotTempAll / xz_EffMolWt
    ! 流線関数
    do k = 1, DimZMax-1
      xz_StrmFunc(:,k+1) = xz_StrmFunc(:,k) - pz_VelX(:,k) * DelZ
    end do
    do i = 1, DimXMax-1
      xz_StrmFunc(i+1,:) = xz_StrmFunc(i,:) + xr_VelZ(i,:) * DelX
    end do
    ! 浮力
    xz_BuoyTemp  =  xz_avr_xr( xr_Buoy( xz_PotTemp ) )
    xz_BuoyMolWt =  xz_avr_xr( xr_BuoyMolWt( xza_MixRt ) )
    xz_BuoyDrag  =  xz_avr_xr( xr_BuoyDrag( xza_MixRt ) )
    xz_BuoyAll   =  xz_BuoyTemp + xz_BuoyMolWt + xz_BuoyDrag
    ! 雲混合比, 雨混合比をまとめる
    do s = 1, LoopNum2
      xz_Cloud = xz_Cloud + xza_MixRt(:,:,CloudNum(s))
      xz_Rain  = xz_Rain  + xza_MixRt(:,:,RainNum(s))
    end do
    ! 飽和蒸気圧と平衡定数
    if (LoopNum /= 0 ) then 
      do s = 1, LoopNum
        xza_MixRtSat(:,:,GasNum(s)) = xz_SvapPress(SpcWetID(CloudNum(s)), xz_TempAll) * MolWtWet(CloudNum(s)) / (MolWtDry * xz_PressAll)                     
      end do
    end if
    if ( NH4SHNum /= 0 ) then     
      xz_EqConstSat = 61.781d0 - 10834.0d0 / xz_TempAll - dlog(1.0d2)
      xz_EqConst = dlog( ( xz_PressAll ** 2.0d0 ) * max( xza_MixRtAll(:,:,NH3Num), 1.0d-20 ) * max( xza_MixRtAll(:,:,H2SNum), 1.0d-20 ) * ( MolWtDry ** 2.0d0) / ( MolWtWet(NH3Num) ) / ( MolWtWet(H2SNum) ) )
    end if

    !湿度 100 % の時の混合比を求める
    Hum = 1.0d0
    call ECCM_MolFr( SpcWetMolFr(1:SpcNum), Hum, xz_TempBasicZ(1,:), xz_PressBasicZ(i,:), za_MolFrEq )
    !分子量から混合比への変換. 水平方向には一様
    do s = 1, SpcNum
      do i = DimXMin, DimXMax
        xza_MixRtEq(i,:,s) = za_MolFrEq(:,s) * MolWtWet(s) / MolWtDry
      end do
    end do

    ! 安定度の計算
    call ECCM_Stab( xz_PotTemp, xz_Exner, xza_MixRt, xz_Stab, xz_StabTemp, xz_StabMolWt)

    ! ファイル出力

    if ( mod(t, 10) == 1 ) call AnalFile_OutPut( AnalTime )
    call AnalFile_OutPutDens( AnalTime )
  end do
  ! ファイルを閉じる
  call AnalFile_Close

  subroutine AnalFile_Close( )
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryClose
    use fileset, only: gt_hist

    call HistoryClose( gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryClose( gt_hist(2) )
  end subroutine AnalFile_Close

  subroutine AnalFile_Open( )
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryCreate, HistoryPut, HistoryAddVariable
    use fileset, only: gt_hist, exptitle, expsrc, expinst, HistoryFilePrefix    
    use gridset, only: FileNX, FileNZ, s_X, s_Z, FileXMin, FileXMax, FileZMin, FileZMax
    use basicset, only: SpcWetSymbol
    implicit none

    character(50)  :: File
    integer        :: s
    File = trim(HistoryFilePrefix)// ''

    ! ヒストリー作成
    call HistoryCreate( file = trim(File), title = exptitle, source = expsrc, institution = expinst, dims=(/'x','z','t'/), dimsizes=(/FileNX, FileNZ, 0/), longnames=(/'X-coordinate', 'Z-coordinate', 'Time        '/), units=(/'m','m','s'/), origin=0.0, interval=0.0, history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 軸の出力
    call HistoryPut('x', s_X( FileXMin: FileXMax ), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut('z', s_Z( FileZMin: FileZMax ), history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 解析用の変数の出力
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='VPotTemp', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='disturbunce of virtual potential temperature', units='K', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='VPotTempAll', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='virtual potential temperature', units='K', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='PotTempAll', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='potential temperature', units='K', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='Temp', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='disturbunce of temperature', units='K', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='TempAll', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='temperature', units='K', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='PressAll', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Pressure', units='Pa', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='Dens', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Density', units='kg m|-2"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 浮力関連    
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='BuoyAll', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Buoyancy', units=' ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='BuoyTemp', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Buoyancy (Temp)', units=' ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='BuoyMolWt', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Buoyancy (MolWt)', units=' ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='BuoyDrag', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Buoyancy (Drag)', units=' ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 安定度関連
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='Stab', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Static Stability', units='s|-2" ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='StabTemp', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Static Stability (Temp)', units='s|-2" ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='StabMolWt', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Static Stability (MolWt)', units='s|-2" ', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 飽和蒸気圧と平衡定数
    do s = 1, 2
      call HistoryAddVariable( varname=trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//'Sat', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Saturated '//trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//' Mixing Ratio', units='kg kg|-1"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )
    end do

    do s = 1, 3
      call HistoryAddVariable( varname=trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//'Eq', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Equilibrium '//trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//' Mixing Ratio', units='kg kg|-1"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )
    end do
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='EqConstSat', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Equilibrium Constant of NH4SH', units='kg kg|-1"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='EqConst', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='log (P_H2O P_NH3) ', units='kg kg|-1"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 雲と雨
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='Cloud', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='All Clouds Mixing Ratio', units='kg kg|-1"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='Rain', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='All Rains Mixing Ratio', units='kg kg|-1"', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

    ! 流線関数
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='StrmFunc', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Stream Function', units='m|2" s', xtype='double' , history=gt_hist(1) )

  end subroutine AnalFile_Open

  subroutine AnalFile_OutPut( Time )

    use gtool_history, only: HistoryPut
    use fileset, only: gt_hist    
    use gridset, only: FileXMin, FileXMax, FileZMin, FileZMax
    use basicset, only: SpcWetSymbol

    implicit none
    real(8), intent(in) :: Time    
    ! 値を出力
    call HistoryPut( 't', Time, history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'Temp', xz_Temp(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'TempAll', xz_TempAll(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'VPotTemp', xz_VPotTemp(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'VPotTempAll', xz_VPotTempAll(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'PotTempAll', xz_PotTempAll(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'PressAll', xz_PressAll(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'Dens', xz_Dens(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'BuoyAll', xz_BuoyAll(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'BuoyTemp', xz_BuoyTemp(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'BuoyMolWt', xz_BuoyMolWt(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'BuoyDrag', xz_BuoyDrag(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    do s = 1, 2
      call HistoryPut( trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//'Sat', xza_MixRtSat(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax, s), history=gt_hist(1) )
    end do

    do s = 1, 3
      call HistoryPut( trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//'Eq', xza_MixRtEq(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax, s), history=gt_hist(1) )
    end do

    call HistoryPut( 'EqConstSat', xz_EqConstSat(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'EqConst', xz_EqConst(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'Cloud', xz_Cloud(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'Rain', xz_Rain(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'Stab', xz_Stab(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
    call HistoryPut( 'StabTemp', xz_StabTemp(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'StabMolWt', xz_StabMolWt(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'StrmFunc', xz_StrmFunc(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )

    call HistoryPut( 'Dens', xz_Dens(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(1) )
  end subroutine AnalFile_OutPut

  subroutine AnalFile_OpenDens( )
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryCreate, HistoryPut, HistoryAddVariable
    use fileset, only: gt_hist, exptitle, expsrc, expinst, HistoryFilePrefix    
    use gridset, only: FileNX, FileNZ, s_X, s_Z, FileXMin, FileXMax, FileZMin, FileZMax
    implicit none

    integer        :: s
    character(50)  :: File

    File = trim(HistoryFilePrefix)// ''

    ! ヒストリー作成
    call HistoryCreate( file = File, title = exptitle, source = expsrc, institution = expinst, dims=(/'x','z','t'/), dimsizes=(/FileNX, FileNZ, 0/), longnames=(/'X-coordinate', 'Z-coordinate', 'Time        '/), units=(/'m','m','s'/), origin=0.0, interval=0.0, history=gt_hist(2) )
    ! 軸の出力
    call HistoryPut('x', s_X( FileXMin: FileXMax ), history=gt_hist(2) )
    call HistoryPut('z', s_Z( FileZMin: FileZMax ), history=gt_hist(2) )

    ! 解析用の変数の出力
    call HistoryAddVariable( varname='Dens', dims=(/'x','z','t'/), longname='Density', units='kg m|-2"', xtype='double', history=gt_hist(2) )

  end subroutine AnalFile_OpenDens

  subroutine AnalFile_OutPutDens( Time )

    use fileset, only: gt_hist    
    use gridset, only: FileXMin, FileXMax, FileZMin, FileZMax
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryPut

    implicit none
    real(8), intent(in) :: Time    
    ! 値を出力
    call HistoryPut( 't', Time, history=gt_hist(2) )
    call HistoryPut( 'Dens', xz_Dens(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), history=gt_hist(2) )
  end subroutine AnalFile_OutPutDens

  subroutine AnalFile_Get( i, AnalTime, xz_PotTemp, xz_Exner, pz_VelX, xr_VelZ, xza_MixRt )
    use dc_string
    use gtool_history,   only : HistoryGet
    use fileset,       only : HistoryFile
    use gridset,       only : DimXMin, DimXMax, DimZMin, DimZMax, SpcNum, FileXMin, FileXMax, FileZMin, FileZMax
    use basicset,      only : SpcWetSymbol
    use boundary,      only : xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz, xz_BoundaryZSym_xz, xza_BoundaryXCyc_xza, xza_BoundaryZSym_xza, pz_BoundaryXCyc_pz, pz_BoundaryZSym_pz, xr_BoundaryXCyc_xr, xr_BoundaryZAntiSym_xr

    implicit none

    integer, intent(in)  :: i    
    real(8), intent(out) :: AnalTime
    real(8), intent(out) :: pz_VelX(DimXMin:DimXMax,DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8), intent(out) :: xr_VelZ(DimXMin:DimXMax,DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8), intent(out) :: xz_Exner(DimXMin:DimXMax,DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8), intent(out) :: xz_PotTemp(DimXMin:DimXMax,DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8), intent(out) :: xza_MixRt(DimXMin:DimXMax,DimZMin:DimZMax,1:SpcNum)
    character(30)        :: name               !変数名
    character(10)        :: step
    step = '^' // adjustl(toChar(i))

    !Get a Value from netCDF File
    name = "t"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(1), name, AnalTime, step )

    ! Get a Value from netCDF File 
    name = "Exner"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(1), name, xz_Exner(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), range=step )
    xz_Exner = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_Exner )
    xz_Exner = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_Exner )
    name = "PotTemp"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(2), name, xz_PotTemp(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), range=step )
    xz_PotTemp = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_PotTemp )
    xz_PotTemp = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_PotTemp )

    name = "VelX"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(3), name, pz_VelX(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), range=step )    
    pz_VelX = pz_BoundaryXCyc_pz( pz_VelX )
    pz_VelX = pz_BoundaryZSym_pz( pz_VelX )
    name = "VelZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(4), name, xr_VelZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), range=step )
    xr_VelZ = xr_BoundaryXCyc_xr( xr_VelZ )
    xr_VelZ = xr_BoundaryZAntiSym_xr( xr_VelZ )

!    name = "Km"
!    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(5), name, xz_Km(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax), range=step )
!    xz_Km = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_Km )
!    xz_Km = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_Km )

    do s = 1, SpcNum
      name = trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))
      call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(8+s), name, xza_MixRt(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax, s), range=step )
    end do

    xza_MixRt = xza_BoundaryXCyc_xza( xza_MixRt )
    xza_MixRt = xza_BoundaryZSym_xza( xza_MixRt )

  end subroutine AnalFile_Get

  subroutine AnalFile_BasicZ_Get( )

    use dc_string
    use gtool_history,   only: HistoryGet
    use fileset,       only: HistoryFile
    use basicset,      only: BasicSetArray_Init, SpcWetSymbol
    use gridset,       only: DimXMin, DimXMax, DimZMin, DimZMax, SpcNum, FileXMin, FileXMax, FileZMin, FileZMax
    use boundary,      only: xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz, xz_BoundaryZSym_xz, xza_BoundaryXCyc_xza, xza_BoundaryZSym_xza, pz_BoundaryXCyc_pz, pz_BoundaryZSym_pz, xr_BoundaryXCyc_xr, xr_BoundaryZAntiSym_xr

    implicit none

    real(8) :: xz_DensBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8) :: xz_PotTempBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8) :: xz_ExnerBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8) :: xza_MixRtBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax,1:SpcNum)
    real(8) :: xz_EffMolWtBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8) :: xz_PressBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8) :: xz_TempBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    real(8) :: xz_VelSoundBZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax)
    character(30)        :: name               !変数名
    ! 基本場の取得
    name = "TempBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_TempBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_TempBZ  = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_TempBZ )
    xz_TempBZ  = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_TempBZ )

    name = "PressBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_PressBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_PressBZ = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_PressBZ )
    xz_PressBZ = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_PressBZ )

    name = "ExnerBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_ExnerBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_ExnerBZ = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_ExnerBZ )
    xz_ExnerBZ = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_ExnerBZ )

    name = "PotTempBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_PotTempBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_PotTempBZ = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_PotTempBZ )
    xz_PotTempBZ = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_PotTempBZ )

    name = "DensBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_DensBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_DensBZ = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_DensBZ )
    xz_DensBZ = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_DensBZ )

    name = "VelSoundBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_VelSoundBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_VelSoundBZ = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_VelSoundBZ )
    xz_VelSoundBZ = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_VelSoundBZ )

    name = "EffMolWtBasicZ"
    call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xz_EffMolWtBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax) )
    xz_EffMolWtBZ = xz_BoundaryXCyc_xz( xz_EffMolWtBZ )
    xz_EffMolWtBZ = xz_BoundaryZSym_xz( xz_EffMolWtBZ )

    do s = 1, SpcNum
      name = trim(SpcWetSymbol(s))//'BasicZ'
      call HistoryGet( HistoryFile(7), name, xza_MixRtBZ(FileXMin:FileXMax, FileZMin:FileZMax, s) )
    end do

    xza_MixRtBZ = xza_BoundaryXCyc_xza( xza_MixRtBZ )
    xza_MixRtBZ = xza_BoundaryZSym_xza( xza_MixRtBZ )

    ! BasicSet モジュールに値を設定
    call BasicSetArray_Init( xz_PressBZ,   xz_ExnerBZ,   xz_TempBZ, xz_PotTempBZ, xz_DensBZ,    xz_VelSoundBZ, xza_MixRtBZ,  xz_EffMolWtBZ )

  end subroutine AnalFile_BasicZ_Get

  subroutine ArareAlloc

    use gridset,       only: DimXMin, DimXMax, DimZMin, DimZMax, SpcNum

    !基本場, 擾乱場の取得.
    allocate( xz_PotTemp(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_PotTempAll(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_Exner(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), pz_VelX(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xr_VelZ(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xza_MixRt(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax, 1:SpcNum ), xza_MixRtAll(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax, 1:SpcNum ), xza_MixRtSat(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax, 1:SpcNum ), xza_MixRtEq(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax, 1:SpcNum ), za_MolFrEq(DimZMin:DimZMax, 1:SpcNum ), xz_Temp(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_VPotTemp(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_VPotTempAll(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_Dens(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax), xz_Stab(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_StabTemp(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_StabMolWt(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_TempAll(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_PressAll(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_EqConstSat(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_EqConst(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_EffMolWt(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xza_MixRtDivMolWt(DimXMin:DimXMax,DimZMin:DimZMax,SpcNum), xz_StrmFunc(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_Cloud(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_Rain(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_BuoyAll(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_BuoyTemp(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_BuoyMolWt(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax ), xz_BuoyDrag(DimXMin:DimXMax, DimZMin:DimZMax )          )

    LoopNum  = 0 
    LoopNum2 = 0
    RainNum = 0
    CloudNum = 0
    GasNum   = 0
    NH3Num   = 0
    H2SNum   = 0
    NH4SHNum = 0
    xz_StrmFunc = 0.0d0
    xza_MixRtSat = 0.0d0
    xza_MixRtDivMolWt = 0.0d0

  end subroutine ArareAlloc

end program ArareAnal