From Glenn Orton's IJW Atmospheres Newsletter Funding: The word from Ed Barker and Jurgen Rahe: NASA received 55 proposals requesting a total of $2,903,900 for the SL9 NRA. The word from Vernon Pankonin: NSF received 43 proposals requesting a total of $3,208,330 in the first year of SL9 funding (some proposals covered more than one year). The total is 98 proposals for $6,112,230 (ave. = $62,369.98). According to Ed. Barker, there were 12 - 13 NASA-directed proposals that were identical to NSF proposals or nearly so. Using the average value for the grant request for this duplication, the total (NASA + NSF) request is on the order of $5,300,000 - or a factor of 3.6 oversubscription of requested to available funding ($1,500,000).