Summary of Atmospheric Chemistry Working Group- Keith Noll, group leader I. What is really known? Several significant uncertainties limit the ability to accurately predict the possible changes in atmospheric composition that might be observed after the impacts of the the SL9 fragments. The mass of the fragments, the depth of penetration before disruption, the volume of atmosphere promptly affected by the impact, the amount of tropospheric material heated and transported into the stratosphere, the composition of the comet, and the chemical processing of shocked and heated material are all crucial unknowns that will determine the outcome of this event. Some theoretical predictions about the impact have been made, but the predictions vary considerably depending on the model and assumptions used. In view of these large uncertainties, the consensus of the working group was that a wide range of observations covering many possible scenarios should be made. II. What are the key and diagnostic observations to be made? A very long list containing all the observed molecules in Jupiter's atmosphere and some that have not been observed can be constructed. Because of the difficulty in making predictions about this event, it is tempting to consider each as a potentially useful observation. However, given the fairly severe constraints on observing time with spectrometers on large telescopes, some prioritization is clearly necessary. In the following list molecules are grouped by element with brief comments about each group. A. Search for the following molecules. 1. Hydrogen: H3+, H3O+ diagnostic of processes in the ionosphere the introduction of heavy nuclei into the ionosphere (i.e. C and O) may cause catalytic destruction of H3+. H3+ is best observed near 3.5 um. 2. Helium: Helium emission may be observable in the extreme UV (He at 504 A, He+ at 304 A). Could indicate the degree of heating of the upper atmosphere. 3. Carbon: CH4, CH3D, hydrocarbons, CH, CH3+ The 7.8 um CH4 band may yield the best measure of temperature changes in the stratosphere. Its abundance should be unaffected by the impact. C2H6 and C2H4 may serve the same purpose, although their abundances may be temperature dependent. 4. Oxygen: H2O, CO, H2CO, OH, CH3OH Oxygen is essentialy absent from Jupiter's stratosphere. Reaction network calculations suggest that most of the oxygen should eventually end up in CO, although the time scale for this is uncertain (days - months). H2O and CO can come both from the comet and Jupiter's deep atmosphere. Both are best observed near 5 um. 5. Nitrogen: NH3, HCN, NH Ammonia abundances in the stratosphere may increase dramatically if warmed parcels of gas are transported into the stratosphere. The NH3 spectrum could dominate 8 um spectrum. It could also be observed at 5 um, and at cm-radio wavelengths. 6. Sulfur: H2S As a possible precursor to both Jupiter's lower cloud and to the coloring-agent in Jupiter's clouds, H2S is one of the most sought-after molecules in Jupiter. The impacts may provide a unique window of opportunity to observe this molecule by transporting significant quantities to observable levels of the atmosphere. The best prospects seem to be to observe lines of the 8 um band that will be interspersed with the strong NH3 spectrum. 7. Phosphorous/Germanium/Arsenic: PH3, P4, GeH4, AsH3 These three elements are all normally depleted above the cloudtops by photodissociation. The impacts may temporarily increase the abundances of phosphine, germane, and arsine in the stratosphere. Observations of local abundance increases would provide a measure of the mass of tropospheric gas mixed above the cloudtops similar to the case for ammonia. 8. Silicon: SiH4, SiO Silicon in Jupiter's atmosphere is located far below any reasonably conceivable penetration by the fragments. Therefore, the measure of either molecule would provide constraints on the comet mass and the volume of atmosphere over which the material was spread. Laboratory experiments indicate that SiO should be the preferred product, although the experiments were not specifically designed to simulate jovian conditions. SiH4 is observable near 5 um, SiO can be observed at 8 um and in the UV near 2300 A. B. Observational/Spectral coverage Continuous spectral coverage from 1600A-20 microns Assuming good observing conditions from groundbased sites, the Jupiter spectrum will be observed over the complete spectral range from ~1250 Angstroms to 20 microns with gaps only in the terrestrial absorption bands. There will also be some spectroscopic observations in the far-UV and in the radio. The planned observations will be heterogeneous in time, aperture, and technique, and will most likely require a large effort to synthesize into a coherent data set. The effort may be comparable to that needed after the International Halley Watch observations. III. What areas are not being addressed? The main deficiencies appear to be temporal coverage at UV and mid-IR wavelengths (2.5-20 um). There is probably little that can be done to address this due to the lack of mid-IR spectrometers, especially from 8-20 um, and the limited time available on HST (IUE spatial resolution is probably insufficient).