2.4.2 glcget/glcset(glcstx)


Inquires/changes character-type internal variables used in MATH1.(glcstx  allows changes through runtime options.) 

cpara = NumRu::DCL.glcget(cp)
Explanation of Parameters
cp (C*8) Name of an internal variable
cpara (C*(*)) Value of a character-type internal variable

The following is a list of names that can be specified as cp.

'DCLRC' (C)  Name of an external file that is read for runtime options. (Takes the value value .dclrc. in the standard library). However, the value of this internal variable is not used directly as the file name. See notes for detail.
'DUPATH' (C) Pathname under which various database files for the user are placed. The initial value in the standard library is ' ' . (Blank: represents current directory).
'DSPATH' (C) Pathname under which various database files provided by the system is placed. In the standard library, it takes the value specified by $(DCLDBASE) upon installation.

The following subroutines are available for managing internal variables.
GLCQNP(NCP) Calculates the total number ncp of internal variables.
GLCQID(CP,IDX) Determines the position idx of an internal variable cp
GLCQCP(IDX,CP) Inquires the name cp of  an internal variable at position idx
GLCQVL(IDX,CPARA) Inquires the value ipara of an internal variable at position idx
GLCSVL(IDX,CPARA) Changes the value ipara of an internal variable at position idx
The GLCGET calls the above GLCQID to determine the position of an internal variable, and inquires about the value by  glcqvlglcset calls glcqid to determine the position of an internal variable and changes the value by  glcsvl. Therefore, if the specified internal variable is not found, the error message glcqid is printed. 
The name of an internal variable  is checked by the character function lchreq that compares character strings (case non-sensitive). Therefore, if  lchreq is correctly installed, small-case letters can be used for specification.
The internal variable managed by this routine cannot be changed by runtime options through external files. (This is because the program will enter a  recursive loop.)
The value of the internal variable specified by 'DCLRC' is not directly used as the file name. The actual file name is determined by glqfnm. In the standard library, the current directory will be searched first. Then it will search the directory specified by the internal variable 'DUPATH' (pass name specified by user).  Finally, it will search the directory specified by the internal variable 'DSPATH' (provided by the system).