7.2.1 Simple Draw Routine (usgrph)

This routine provides a quick and easy way to plot a set of data. A single line is enough to draw a  line graph. Below is an example of a program using this routine.

       NumRu::DCL.gropn(iws)    ! Open a device

       CALL grfrm         ! Set a frame



       NumRu::DCL.usgrph(x,y) ! Plot graph

       CALL grcls         ! Close the device

Between grfrm and usgrph, the parameters for the transformation function can be set using GRPACK and SGPACK, and other parameters can be changed using uspset. The title of the coordinate axes can be specified using ussttl.

These routines are convenient for create a quick plot of the data. However, to place multiple line plots in a single graph or for more advanced applications such as using this routine in combination with other packages, it is better to directly use the scaling routines and the coordinate axis routines. The following is the program above is rewritten using these basic routines.


       NumRu::DCL.gropn(iws)    ! Open a device

       CALL grfrm         ! Set a frame


       NumRu::DCL.usspnt(x,y) ! Specify the data range

       CALL uspfit        ! Set the transformation function parameters

       CALL grstrf        ! Make the transformation function effective


       CALL usdaxs        ! Plot coordinate axes

       NumRu::DCL.uulin(upx,upy) ! Draw a polyline

       CALL grcls         ! Close the device